Liza Laird
Nov 12, 2019
Breathe Deep
Pranayama (breathing practices) are great ways to calm the nerves, quiet the mind, and reset the nervous system. When knitting we can get...

Liza Laird
Dec 15, 2018
Mindful Intarsia
Knitting is like yoga, a mindful exploration of the self. How you are on your yoga mat is how you are with your knitting and in your...

Liza Laird
Aug 3, 2018
Are mistakes even real?
I was in yoga class the other day and we were playing around with this pose called Fallen Angel. It is an arm balance that starts in side...

Liza Laird
Jan 25, 2017
For the Love of Mala
What are mala beads? Are they a decorative necklace or spiritual piece? Literally, mala translates from Sanskrit to English to mean...

Aug 31, 2016
Stretch it Out
As knitters, we understand the importance of keeping our hands healthy so we can knit non-stop. When a tiny pain pops up we make sure to...

Liza Laird
Feb 13, 2016
No matter if you are spending hours at your computer or clicking away with your knitting needles taking mini-breaks are important to keep...

Liza Laird
Feb 6, 2016
Quiet Time
When is the last time you shut off your phone, stepped away from your electronics or just didn’t say anything for a few hours? I’ve been...

Liza Laird
Jan 30, 2016
Meditative Knitting
The meditative nature of knitting helps reduce stress. I was reminded of this when I started knitting a new project. It was a kerchief...